Friday, 25 November 2016

Ancillary Product - Digi Pak Feedback

All of the above images show the feedback that I gathered for the draft of my digi pak.

The first image says that the simplicity of the colour scheme works well and they thought that this suited the genre well. They also said that they thought the audience was young adult males who like rock/alternative music. However their one concern was that the imagery used is all screenshots taken from my music video so they suggested taking some original shots when making my digi pak. I agree with this point and when producing my work, I will be taking original shots that will be then used in my work.

The second image also says that the colour scheme used matches and suits the genre. Also they said that they thought the audience was alternative and that the themes are relatable to this audience. However their feedback was again that original shots could be used as well as changing the inside panels as both of them were the same so this meant that it was a bit repetitive. I also agree with this and when producing my work, I will think of and utilise new ideas that will replace the panels which were too bland.

The third and fourth images said that the colours worked well however their main criticism was that they thought black and white may work better as oppose to the blue, black and white that I had used. I personally disagree with this statement as I feel that my colour scheme was clear and worked well as well as suiting my target audience.

The fifth image says that all of the colours used worked really well and they thought that these were clear. However their concern was that they were too sure what they were looking at in terms of the image itself. Although I agree with them that the images are fairly dark and almost distorted which makes it hard to understand what they are, this is the style that I am trying to achieve.

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